Source code for scintillometry.main

"""Copyright 2023 Scintillometry Contributors.

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Analyse data & 2D flux footprints from Scintec's BLS scintillometers.

Usage: ``src/ [-h] [-i <input_data>] [-d] [...] [-v]``

Options and arguments (and corresponding environment variables):

Required arguments:
    -i, --input <path>      Path to raw BLS450 data.
    -t, --transect <path>       Path to topographical path transect.

Optional switches:
    -h, --help              Show this help message and exit.
    -z, --dry-run           Dry run of model.
    -v, --verbose           Verbose mode.

Optional arguments:
    -e, --eddy <str>            Path to eddy covariance data (innFLUX).
    -p, --profile <str>         Path prefix to vertical temperature and
                                    humidity measurements (HATPRO).
    -l, --local-timezone <str>      Convert to local timezone.
                                        Default "CET".
    -c, --calibrate <float float>       Recalibrate path lengths.
    -r, --regime <str>          Set default stability condition.
    -m, --most-name <str>       ID of MOST coefficients.
                                    Default "an1988".
    -s, --switch-time <str>     Override local time of switch between
                                    stability regimes.
    -a, --algorithm <str>       Algorithm used to calculate switch time.
                                    Default "sun".
    -k, --station-id <str>      ZAMG station ID (Klima-ID).
                                    Default 11803.
    --location <str>            Location of experiment. Overrides any
                                    other location metadata.
    --beam-wavelength <int>     Transmitter beam wavelength, nm.
                                    Default 850 nm.
    --beam-error <int>          Transmitter beam wavelength error, nm.
                                    Default 20 nm.

import argparse

import scintillometry.metrics.calculations as calculations
import scintillometry.wrangler.data_parser as data_parser

[docs]def user_argumentation(): """Parses user arguments when run as main. Required arguments: -i, --input <path> Path to raw BLS450 data. -t, --transect <path> Path to topographical path transect. Optional switches: -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -z, --dry-run Dry run of model. -v, --verbose Verbose mode. Optional arguments: -e, --eddy <str> Path to eddy covariance data (InnFLUX). -p, --profile <str> Path prefix to vertical temperature and humidity measurements (HATPRO). -l, --local-timezone <str> Convert to local timezone. Default "CET". -c, --calibrate <float float> Recalibrate path lengths. -r, --regime <str> Set default stability condition. -m, --most-name <str> ID of MOST coefficients. Default "an1988". -s, --switch-time <str> Override local time of switch between stability regimes. -a, --algorithm <str> Algorithm used to calculate switch time. Default "sun". -k, --station-id <str> ZAMG station ID (Klima-ID). Default 11803. --location <str> Location of experiment. Overrides any other location metadata. --beam-wavelength <int> Transmitter beam wavelength, nm. Default 850 nm. --beam-error <int> Transmitter beam wavelength error, nm. Default 20 nm. Returns: argparse.Namespace: Namespace of user arguments. """ tagline = "Analyse data & 2D flux footprints from Scintec's BLS scintillometers." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="scintillometry-tools", description=tagline) # Required parser.add_argument( "-i", "--input", default=None, dest="input", type=str, metavar="<path>", required=True, help="path to raw BLS450 data", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--transect", default=None, dest="transect_path", type=str, metavar="<path>", required=True, help="path to topographical path transect", ) # Switches parser.add_argument( "-z", "--dry-run", action="store_true", default=None, dest="dry_run", help="dry run", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, dest="verbosity", help="verbose mode", ) # Parameters group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() # --switch-time and --algorithm are incompatible group.add_argument( "-s", "--switch-time", dest="switch_time", metavar="<str>", type=str, required=False, default=None, help="override local time of switch between stability regimes", ) group.add_argument( "-a", "--algorithm", dest="algorithm", metavar="<str>", type=str, required=False, default="sun", choices=["sun", "bulk", "lapse", "static"], help="algorithm used to calculate switch time. Default 'sun'", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--profile", default=None, dest="profile_prefix", type=str, metavar="<path>", required=False, help="path prefix to vertical temperature and humidity measurements (HATPRO)", ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--eddy", default=None, dest="eddy_path", type=str, metavar="<path>", required=False, help="path to eddy covariance data (innFLUX)", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--local-timezone", dest="timezone", metavar="<str>", type=str, required=False, default="CET", help="convert to local timezone. Default 'CET'", ) parser.add_argument( # -c <wrong_length> <correct_length> "-c", "--calibrate", nargs=2, dest="calibration", required=False, metavar="<float>", default=None, help="recalibrate path lengths", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--regime", dest="regime", metavar="<str>", type=str, required=False, default=None, choices=["stable", "unstable", None], help="set default stability condition", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--most-name", dest="most_name", metavar="<str>", type=str, required=False, default="an1988", choices=["an1988", "li2012", "wy1971", "wy1973", "ma2014", "br2014"], help="ID of MOST coefficients. Default 'an1988'", ) parser.add_argument( "-k", "--station-id", dest="station_id", metavar="<str>", type=str, required=False, default=11803, help="ZAMG station ID (Klima-ID). Default 11803", ) parser.add_argument( "--location", dest="location", metavar="<str>", type=str, required=False, default="", help="Location of experiment. Overrides any other location metadata", ) parser.add_argument( "--beam-wavelength", dest="beam_wavelength", metavar="<int>", type=int, required=False, default=880, help="Transmitter beam wavelength, nm. Default 880 nm", ) parser.add_argument( "--beam-error", dest="beam_error", metavar="<int>", type=int, required=False, default=20, help="Transmitter beam error, nm. Default 20 nm", ) arguments = parser.parse_args() return arguments
[docs]def perform_data_parsing(**kwargs): """Parses data from command line arguments. Keyword Arguments: bls_path (str): Path to a raw .mnd data file using FORMAT-1. transect_path (str): Path to processed transect. The data must be formatted as <path_height>, <normalised_path_position>. The normalised path position maps to: [0: receiver location, 1: transmitter location]. calibration (list): Contains the incorrect and correct path lengths. Format as [incorrect, correct]. station_id (str): ZAMG weather station ID (Klima-ID). Default 11803. timezone (str): Local timezone during the scintillometer's operation. Default "CET". profile_prefix (str): Path to vertical measurements. For HATPRO Retrieval data there should be two HATPRO files ending with "humidity" and "temp". The path should be identical for both files, e.g.:: ./path/to/file_humidity.csv ./path/to/file_temp.csv would require `file_path = "./path/to/file_"`. Default None. Returns: dict: Parsed and labelled datasets for scintillometry measurements, weather observations, and topography. """ parser = data_parser.WranglerParsing() # Parse BLS, weather, and topographical data datasets = parser.wrangle_data( bls_path=kwargs["input"], transect_path=kwargs["transect_path"], calibrate=kwargs["calibration"], station_id=kwargs["station_id"], tzone=kwargs["timezone"], weather_source="zamg", ) # Parse vertical measurements if kwargs["profile_prefix"]: datasets["vertical"] = parser.vertical.parse_vertical( file_path=kwargs["profile_prefix"], source="hatpro", levels=None, tzone=kwargs["timezone"], ) return datasets
[docs]def perform_analysis(datasets, **kwargs): """Analyses flux data. Calculates and plots parsed data, and optionally compares it to third-party data. Defaults for keyword arguments only apply if the kwargs are passed via command line arguments. Arguments: datasets (dict): Parsed and labelled datasets for scintillometry measurements, weather observations, topography, and optionally vertical measurements. Keyword Args: eddy_path (str): Path to eddy covariance measurements. Default None. regime (str): Target stability condition. Default None. timezone (str): Local timezone of the measurement period. Default "CET". most_name (str): MOST coefficients for unstable and stable conditions. Default "an1988". method (str): Method to calculate switch time. Default "sun". switch_time (Union[str, pd.Timestamp]): Local time of switch between stability conditions. Overrides <method>. Default None. location (str): Location of data collection. Default empty string. beam_wavelength (int): Transmitter beam wavelength, nm. Default 880 nm. beam_error (int): Transmitter beam error, nm. Default 20 nm. Returns: dict: Passes input datasets. If a path to eddy covariance data is provided, adds the key "eddy" containing the parsed eddy covariance data. """ metrics_class = calculations.MetricsWorkflow() parser = data_parser.WranglerParsing() metrics_data = metrics_class.calculate_standard_metrics(data=datasets, **kwargs) if kwargs["eddy_path"]: eddy_frame = parser.eddy.parse_eddy_covariance( file_path=kwargs["eddy_path"], tzone=kwargs["timezone"], source="innflux" ) metrics_data["eddy"] = eddy_frame metrics_class.compare_eddy( own_data=metrics_data["iteration"], ext_data=eddy_frame, source="innflux", location=kwargs["location"], ) return metrics_data
[docs]def main(): """Parses command line arguments and executes analysis. Converts command line arguments into kwargs. Imports and parses scintillometer, weather, and transect data. If the appropriate arguments are specified: - Parses vertical measurements - Calculates sensible heat fluxes - Compares calculated fluxes to external data. The majority of kwarg expansions should occur in this module. Do not rely on kwargs for passing arguments between backend modules. """ arguments = user_argumentation() kwarg_args = vars(arguments) parsed_datasets = perform_data_parsing(**kwarg_args) if not arguments.dry_run: perform_analysis(datasets=parsed_datasets, **kwarg_args) else: print("Dry run - no analysis available.")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()