Source code for scintillometry.backend.deprecations

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Handles deprecating, deprecated, and defunct code. The deprecation
process takes one patch release cycle, the removal process takes two
major release cycles.

EOL Cycle

Import the decorator
:func:`~scintillometry.backend.deprecations.deprecated` from this
module. Mark deprecating functions like so:

.. code-block:: python

    @deprecated(stage="deprecated", reason="Some reason", version="1.1.1")
    def foobar(...)

Where ``stage`` is the stage in the function's deprecation cycle,
``reason`` is an optional message, and ``version`` is the release number
when ``stage`` was last updated.

Update ``stage`` by following this schedule:

1. A function pending deprecation is marked as **pending** and issues a
PendingDeprecationWarning during patch development.

2. The function is marked as **deprecated** and issues a
DeprecationWarning from the next patch release. It must still work as

3. The function is marked as **eol** and issues a FutureWarning during
the next minor release cycle. It must still work as intended.

4. The function is marked as **defunct** and throws an error during the
next major release cycle, but is not removed.

5. The defunct function is entirely removed from release candidates in
preparation for the subsequent major release.

import functools
import inspect
import warnings
from typing import Callable

[docs]class DeprecationHandler: """Methods for marking and handling deprecation cycles. Attributes: string_types (tuple): Supported string types (str and byte literals). """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.string_types = (type(b""), type("")) # support byte literals
[docs] def get_stage(self, name): """Gets stage in deprecation cycle. Args: name (str): Stage of deprecation cycle. Valid values are: - pending - deprecated - eol - defunct Returns: tuple[str, Exception]: The description of the deprecation stage, and the Exception subclass matching this stage. Raises: TypeError: <type(name)> is an invalid type. Use str instead. ValueError: <name> is not a valid deprecation stage. """ if isinstance(name, self.string_types): stage_lower = name.lower() if stage_lower == "deprecated": stage_string = "deprecated." category = DeprecationWarning elif stage_lower == "pending": stage_string = "pending deprecation." category = PendingDeprecationWarning elif stage_lower == "eol": stage_string = "deprecated." category = FutureWarning elif stage_lower == "defunct": stage_string = "defunct." category = RuntimeError else: raise ValueError(f"{stage_lower} is not a valid deprecation stage.") else: raise TypeError(f"{type(name)} is an invalid type. Use {str} instead.") return stage_string, category
[docs] def get_reason(self, **kwargs): """Gets reason for deprecation. Keyword Args: reason (str): Reason for deprecation. Returns: str: The reason for deprecation if available, otherwise returns an empty string. """ reason = kwargs.get("reason", None) if not isinstance(reason, self.string_types): reason = "" return reason
[docs] def get_version(self, **kwargs): """Gets release number of latest stage in deprecation. Keyword Args: version (str): Release number of latest stage in deprecation. Returns: str: Formatted version number of latest stage in deprecation if provided, otherwise returns an empty string. """ version = kwargs.get("version", None) if not isinstance(version, self.string_types): version = "" else: version = f"Ver. {version}: " return version
[docs] def raise_warning(self, obj, stage, details): """Raises warning or error with informative message. Raises a warning or error stating the function or class' stage in its deprecation cycle. Optionally, lists a release number and reason. Args: obj (Callable): The function or class being deprecated. stage (str): The current stage in the deprecation cycle. details (dict): A dictionary map optionally containing the keys: - **reason**: the reason for deprecation. - **version**: the release number of the latest change in the deprecation cycle. Raises: RuntimeError: The function <obj.__name__> is <stage>. """ stage_string, warn_class = self.get_stage(name=stage) reason = self.get_reason(**details) version = self.get_version(**details) suffix = " ".join((stage_string, reason)) if inspect.isclass(obj): warn_string = f"{version}The class {obj.__name__} is {suffix}" else: warn_string = f"{version}The function {obj.__name__} is {suffix}" if stage.lower() != "defunct": warnings.warn( message=warn_string.strip(), category=warn_class, stacklevel=2, ) else: raise RuntimeError(warn_string.strip())
[docs] def rename_arguments(self, obj, stage, kwargs, alias, reason=None, version=None): """Marks argument as deprecated and redirects to alias. The wrapped function's arguments are wrapped into `kwargs` and are safe from being overwritten by arguments in alias. Args: obj (Callable): The function or class being deprecated. stage (str): The current stage in the deprecation cycle. kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments. alias (dict): A dictionary map optionally containing the keys: reason (str): The reason for deprecation. Default None. version (str): The release number of the latest change in the deprecation cycle. Default None. """ stage_string, warn_class = self.get_stage(name=stage) reason = self.get_reason(**{"reason": reason}) version = self.get_version(**{"version": version}) for old, new in alias.items(): if old in kwargs: if new in kwargs: warn_string = ( f"{version}{obj.__name__}", f"received both {old} and {new} as arguments. {old}", f"is {stage_string}", f"Use {new} instead.", f"{reason}", ) raise TypeError(" ".join(warn_string).strip()) else: warn_string = ( f"{version}The argument {old} in {obj.__name__}", f"is {stage_string}", f"Use {new} instead.", f"{reason}", ) warnings.warn( message=" ".join(warn_string).strip(), category=warn_class, stacklevel=2, ) kwargs[new] = kwargs.pop(old)
[docs]class Decorators: def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] @staticmethod def deprecated(stage="deprecated", **details): """Decorator for deprecated function and method arguments. Example: .. code-block:: python @deprecated(stage="pending", reason="Foobar", version="1.3.2") def some_function(foo): ... Args: stage(str): Stage of deprecation cycle. Valid values are: - pending - deprecated - eol - defunct Default "deprecated". Keyword Args: reason (str): Reason for deprecation. version (str): Release number of latest stage in deprecation. Returns: Callable: Decorator for deprecated argument. """ internals = DeprecationHandler() def decorator(f: Callable): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): internals.raise_warning(f, stage, details) return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs] @staticmethod def deprecated_argument(stage="deprecated", reason=None, version=None, **aliases): """Decorator for deprecated function and method arguments. Use as follows: .. code-block:: python @deprecated_argument(old_argument="new_argument") def myfunc(new_arg): ... Args: stage(str): Stage of deprecation cycle. Valid values are: - pending - deprecated - eol - defunct Default "deprecated". reason (str): Reason for deprecation. Default None. version (str): Release number of latest stage in deprecation. Default None. aliases (dict[str, str]): Deprecated argument and its alternative. Returns: Callable: Decorator for deprecated argument. """ internals = DeprecationHandler() def decorator(f: Callable): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): internals.rename_arguments( obj=f, stage=stage, reason=reason, version=version, kwargs=kwargs, alias=aliases, ) return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator